Desa (Village of) Jayamukti, which is located in Kecamatan (Subdistrict of) Leuwisari, Kabupaten (District of) Tasikmalaya, West Java Province, has an area of 226,645 hectares. Desa Jayamukti was officially established in 1982 as a result of the regional segregation of Desa Ciawang, which is also located in Kecamatan Leuwisari. Volcanic stones dominate the region of Desa Jayamukti because the village’s is located close to Gunung Galunggung. It takes 15 minutes for the village people to reach the kecamatan center, which is 3 kilometers away from the village. To reach the kabupaten center, which is located 20 kilometers from Desa Jayamukti, the people need to travel for 45 minutes by car.
The health facilities available are seven posyandu (integrated health service posts) and three poskesdes (village health posts). The village people receive health service from three midwives and five paramedics. The village people’s access to various health facilities is quite easy because the village administration has provided a “health car”—a shuttle—for those who need transportation to go to the puskesmas (community health center) or the nearest hospital for their medical examination. The education facilities available in this village are one early childhood education center, six kindergartens/Islamic kindergartens, three elementary schools, one junior high school, one school for children with special needs, and two Islamic boarding schools. Not many residents of Desa Jayamukti continue to the higher education level. In general, the highest level of education of the village people is elementary school or junior high school.
Until 2014, the number of people of Desa Jayamukti had been recorded as many as 5,238 people. The three main occupations of the village people are farm hands, farmers, and home industry crafters. Although almost 50% of the entire land of this village is agricultural land, the majority of the population who work in the agricultural sector are landless. Various home industries present in Desa Jayamukti produce bamboo woven products, cultivated fish, and the traditional snack molring, or dried cimol (rounded tapioca fluor dough). Employment outside the agricultural sector that absorbs a lot of work force is in the transportation sector.
Contributor: Fatin Astini
Editor: Budhi Adrianto and Stevanus Yulyanto